GAE Graphics Software Products and DIGLIB Compatibility
Galaxy Advanced Engineering, Inc. presents a migration bridge for callable DIGLIB routines within your
existing FORTRAN program via its high level FORTRAN Graphics Library Language that is called UGL.
UGL is a Scientific Graphics Subroutine Library for any computing system such as Main, Micro and Mini-Computers
with its given Operating System. UGL presently supports hardware such as HP/UX, SUN/SOLARIS, Alpha/OpenVMS, VAX/VMS, LINUX
SGI/IRIX and Window95/98/2000/XP and NT or DOS
UGL-GRAPHICS was developed to provide a migration path with a
and GKS graphics interface in the PC and VAX as well as UNIX environment and provides the same high graphics standards found on the main frames using the above graphics libraries. The most common subset of CA-DISSPLA routine (more than %95) and rest of the mentioned graphics libraries are supported directly and any particular ones may be provided upon request. If the users have an existing code using any of these graphics library routines within them, they do not have to change their calls. The bridge that are built with UGL - GRAPHICS library of Galaxy advanced Engineering, Inc. will distinguish these routines and maps them to its own routine against these calls for direct porting of the user code to its new environment supported by UGL - GRAPHI
What is DIGLIB?
DIGLIB (Device Independent Graphics LIBrary) is a collection of FORTRAN callable subroutines designed with the following goals:
Easily usable by the casual graphics programmer for 2D plotting.
Device independent (as much as possible).
Small and reasonably fast.
Device drivers are as simple as possible, and therefore easy to write, and device drivers may be written in FORTRAN when desired.
Compatible (as much as possible) with PLTLIB. This is a historical artifact that no one now needs be concerned with except former PLTLIB users.
Compatible with PC-DOS.
Compatible with all 32 bit compiler such as Lahey LF90 and F77, Microsoft FORTRAN, Compaq Visual FORTRAN as well as Salford both FORTRAN 77 and 90.
PC-DIGLIB is a port of the popular graphics package DIGLIB written by Hal Brand at Lawrence Livermore Lab.for use on PDP-11's and VAX's. The package has been ported to the PC environment using above 16 bit Fortran Compilers .
The following are some examples of plots that are generated by UGL-DIGLIB bridge using PURE DIGLIB SOURCE codes.