GAE Graphics Software Products
Galaxy Advanced Engineering, Inc. presents two high-level FORTRAN graphics library that are called UGL and UGLI respectfully.
UGL is Scientific Graphics Subroutine Library and UGLI a Universal Graphics Library Insta-Plot for Micro Computer.
UGL - GRAPHICS™ was developed to provide a migration path with a CA-DISSPLA, GKS, PLOT10, PLOT88, CalComp and DIGLIB (from Lawrence Livermore Lab.) graphics interface in the PC and VAX as well as UNIX environment and provides the same high graphics standards found on the main frames using the above graphics libraries. The most common subset of CA-DISSPLA routine (more than %95) and rest of the mentioned graphics libraries are supported directly
and any particular ones may be provided upon request. If the users have an existing code using any of these graphics library routines within their code do not have to change their calls. The bridge that are built with UGL - GRAPHICS library will distinguish these routine s and maps its own routine against them for direct porting of the user code to its new environment supported by UGL - GRAPHICS™. Click here to go to Galaxy Advanced Engineering, Inc. Home Page